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What means and what is a description for:

Engine Control Rate
Internal Block Size

Could you please explain? @ben.minimal @jake.minimal
Will there be any full featured PDF user manual available with all functions and options explained. As for now that WEB manual is really very poor and uninformative.


Hey sorry for the slow reply we’ve been wrapped up in the relaunch for tomorrow.

Thanks for the feedback in the meantime these control some advanced flags which modify the internal block sizes and control rates of the instrument. These have been tuned over a long period of time so you shouldn’t really need to mess with them. But the gist is that smaller numbers in the engine control rate will increase some quality factors in the modulation to the oscillators. The default setting works for all situations in the synth, but if you’re doing super fast intense drum design, you may notice some sound quality differences as you play with the numbers.

The engine & the effects are decoupled with regard to this, with the internal block size option controlling the same thing for the effects.

Could you please tell which are the default values for those parameters? I messed up those and I want to put them in stock values but I dont remember which they was :smiley: Thanks

Hey! the defaults are:

  • Engine: 64
  • Internal: 256

This is set for each instance of the plugin so you can save it with presets when needed.

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