Current crashing on loading presets

Hi Jake & Ben,

Any update on the below.



Thanks, @Mike — unfortunately it’s not just in Cubase, so we’re eager to figure out what exactly is causing the crash. I spent a lot of today trying to reproduce again without success.

Did deleting your minimal.db file help?

Kind regards

@NikalMight @Mike I’ve been able to reproduce the issue on Windows in a couple of DAWs but unfortunately its been quite hard to track down.

I’m going to have a build later today that includes an improved crash logger that will hopefully help us figure out what’s going on. Can I send it to each of you via the email you use in the forum? Feel free to DM me a different email if you prefer.

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Thanks Ben,
Will give it a go on the weekend in Cubase 12 & 13.

Let me know if you have any success.

Kind regards

Please do. I’d really like to help you track it down.

I tried deleting the db file and it still crashed. I tried to get it to crash again by switching presets, but it didn’t crash, although this was after I updated my graphics drivers, which may or may not be the issue.

Hi Ben,
Pc online.
Installed Current 1.1.2.
Open Cubase 12.
Open 8bar project with groove agent & Current.
Stuck on loading.
Close with task manager.
Open Cubase 12.
New project with Groove Agent & Current.
Run 8 bar loop & change presets whilst playing live.
Complete crash.
Cubase no longer running.
Crash dump but no content.
Can’t record display as only Cubase background showing, not Current!
Tried in Cubase 13 but ASIO maxed out & glitching.
48k & 160samples.
Much more than this & latency to big for live playing.

Please see attached.
Kind regards

Hi Jake & Ben,

Managed to get a crash in Cubase 13.

Will email to you as can’t attach here.

Kind regards

Thanks guys. I believe we have a fix! I just emailed you installers, @NikalMight and @Mike.

I’ve installed it, started a new tune and so far so good. I’ll try and get it to break some more at the weekend.

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Just installed the latest version of Current which is stable in Cubase 13 so far :+1:.


Kind regards

I haven’t had any crashes since installing the new build. Seems to be fixed.

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Thanks everyone. Let us know if you run into anything else.

We’re hoping to start rolling out some feature and UX focused updates next!

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