Morph EQ Modulation on Curves

It would really sick if we had the ability to do the morph eq modulation effect on the curve eqs. What I mean by that is allowing us to put the keyframes on the curve points and having a morph knob we can modulate, essentially to allow us to modulate the curve shape in a minimal audio sort of way!

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I’m not near my work computer and cannot check it, but it feels like you can do what you want by setting multiple points with different curve settings at the same spot. Try if it’s possible, sorry if not

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Yes, you can already do this by setting up multiple EQ points on the same HZ and configuring their routes intelligently.

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I think I mis-typed in my initial post, i meant the Curve Modulator, not EQ. So having the ability to essentially modulate the Curve lfo shape in a similar way you can automate the morph eq points.