Resell Minimal Audio products

Hey guys, I am interested in selling MA products that after some time it turned out I don’t use anymore / found a better working alternative for me.

I read on KVR and had contact with the support via mail about plans from MA to allow reselling VSTS that turn NFR (not for resale) after doing so.

Can I already do this? Should I just write a mail as soon as I found buyers? It would be great!


Hey! Yes, we are planning to add single license transfers for original purchasers to the website after the RTO migration.

In the meantime, if you would like to transfer a single license, you can write into support. Please note we can only support a single license transfer at a time currently, and only on software products which were purchased originally through Minimal Audio.

We will come out with the final terms of the license transfers soon as well as make it possible to do without contacting us through your account panels.


Thanks for the reply, sounds good. :slight_smile: I will wait for the official announcement then.

So PluginBoutique purchases would not be allowed to transfer at the moment. Please consider to change this for the final license transfer policy. Other delevopers don’t have this condition and I see no reason why first-time-buyers should be disadvantaged for buying somewhere else in this case. The license is registered and listed on the official Minimal Audio website, just as the licenses bought directly on your website.

Thanks yeah I’ll look into it, we haven’t spoken to PIB and the codes they have on their side yet. There are some differences to having purchased from us directly that’s not quite true, but this is just a stop gap to offer something in the meantime. — you’re correct, once the automated system is in place, that limitation won’t be there, but we still need to put the program together